Key Spy v1.04 英文正式版(鍵盤紀錄軟體)
Key Spy is a program that will allow you
to log all keyboard activity on your co
mputer and take periodic snapshots of th
e screen. Key Spy also logs the window t
hat is open so you can see which program
s are being used and web sites that are
being visited. The program can be config
ured to email logs and images as well. K
ey Spy will begin running in hidden mode
even when you restart your computer. Ke
y Spy will record a log every 30 seconds
as long as there is keyboard activity.
Key Spy v1.02 英文正式版(紀錄所有使用者鍵入過的鍵到文件之中的軟體)
Product Key Explorer v2.9.5.0 英文正式版(程式密鑰顯示工具軟體)
NSAuditor Product Key Explorer v2.8.0.0 英文正式版(產品密鑰顯示軟體)
HANSoft CD Key Maker v4.7.4英文正式版(序列號生成器軟體)
Product Key Explorer v2.0.6 英文正式版(搜尋並顯示超過200種程式的產品密鑰工具軟體)
Passware Windows Key Enterprise Edition v10.3.2585 Bootable CD Retail 英文正式版(密碼恢復軟體)
Windows-key-Enterprise v7.9.2141 英文正式版(系統工具軟體)